
  • Connecting to VPN.
  •  VPN stands for Virtual Private Network


  • VPN allows you to connect to the McMaster University network from an off-campus computer anywhere on the Internet and appear as though your computer is on campus.
  • It also provides extra security by encrypting data to and from your computer.
  • You can download the VPN for your computer from the following page: Virtual Private Networking - UTS (mcmaster.ca) and then follow the set-up instructions below for your operating system.

Set up instructions:

For Windows: Windows AnyConnect Client Installation - UTS (mcmaster.ca)

For Macintosh: Mac OS X AnyConnect Client Installation - UTS (mcmaster.ca)

For iPhone: iPhone AnyConnect Client Installation - UTS (mcmaster.ca)

Please note:

A button has been added to the VPN page on the UTS website and install / connection details have been moved to SharePoint site.

You will need to log in to download the VPN and access the connection instructions.

Relevant useful links: