
  • Alumni mail forwarding not working
  • Alumni email forwarding not working
  • Emails are not being forwarded.
  • Alumni wants to regain access to their McMaster email.


This guide provides information for McMaster alumni who wish to regain access to their email accounts.


Regaining Access to Your Account:

As a McMaster alumnus, you may have used your McMaster email address to create personal accounts (e.g., social media, banking, etc.) or as a contact address on resumes. 



Important Note for Current Students

We advise current students against using their email address to create personal accounts (such as social media, banking, etc.). This is to avoid any potential issues in the future when transitioning from student to alumni status.


McMaster Alumni do not retain access to the account they used as students.  The Alumni Association does offer Email forwarding for those wanting to keep a McMaster related email address. 

Please refer to the information on the Alumni Association's webpage regarding this service: 

Please note: Before you can establish your email forwarding, your email address must expire. If you still have access to your inbox, you are not eligible for email forwarding. Unfortunately, an unavoidable interruption in service occurs between your email address expiration and the activation of email forwarding.

Additional Info:

Q. After students graduate, when does an email become inactive?

Ans. email expires after your convocation.


Should you require further information or encounter any problems while signing up for the alumni email forwarding service, please feel free to reach out to McMaster Alumni at They are available to assist you with your queries and concerns.

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