
Are you having issues logging in to Presence, (to enroll for the Mac101 zoom)?

Error message: '' Account is inactive. Contact an administrator ''


Presence is the portal that has all of Mac101 sessions. Mac Id and password is required to login into Presence. 


 Mac101 is first year transition program that is dedicated to showing the first-year students the resources they can use to thrive.

Signing up with Mac101 is a week full of virtual programming dedicated to connecting first years with the resources they need before school even starts. such as: Student life panels, resume building sessions, finance etc. 


Triage Steps to be taken: 

Please ensure your McMaster email and password is working fine to access other systems.  You can verify it using the link: 

If your email and password is working fine, the error message might appear if your Zoom account isn’t activated, as it’s through Zoom that event registration takes place. After activating your Zoom account, you can proceed to sign up for events via Presence.

You can activate your zoom account by going to, and signing in with your and MacID password. After signing in there for the first time, you can then go back to register for events through Presence 


If your email and password is correct, and you have activated the zoom account, please reach out to McMaster Student Success Centre. That error message is specific to the presence site. 


Relevant useful links: 

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